Building Community Through Public Art


    Building Community Through Public Art

    A mural in Cambodia Town

    Author: Matt O’Donnell
    Grades: 4-5

    Suggested Amount of Time: 180 minutes
    Area of Study: Community Building and Healing

    Compelling Question
    • How did Cambodians build communities to thrive and heal in the United States?

    Lesson Question
    • What is Cambodia Town?
    • What is the Cambodia Town Mural Project?
    • How can murals build cultural understanding?
    Lesson Objective

    Students will gain an understanding of how artists can build community awareness of Cambodian American culture through public art including the Cambodia Town Mural Project. Students will also learn how artists use community engagement to highlight experiences of others.

    Lesson Background

    The Cambodia Town Mural Project was created in 2017 in Long Beach, California. One of the murals was completed by artist Sayon Syprasoeuth, who worked with local community members to conceive, design, and paint a mural to showcase the cultural heritage of Cambodian Americans.

    Image Citation: IMG_0014.JPG. (n.d.). Google Docs. Cambodia Town Mural.

    Ethnic Studies Theme

    This lesson connects to the ethnic studies theme of reclamation and joy from the Asian American Studies Curriculum Framework (Asian American Research Initiative, 2022). Students explore the ways that communities reclaim histories through art, cultural expression, and counternarratives.

    Students will explore how Cambodian Americans reclaimed their histories through creative expression, specifically artistic murals in Long Beach, California.

    For additional guidance around ethnic studies implementation, refer to the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (2022)

    • Global Refugee Mural Photo
    • “It’s up to my generation” | Preserving Stockton’s Cambodian American culture and traditions.” 
    • Cambodia Town Mural Project in Long Beach 
    • Global Refugee Mural | Downtown Silver Spring. 
    • Cambodia Town Mural Project 
    • Cambodia Town Mural Project | Arts Council for Long Beach. 
    • Street Art - Google Arts & Culture. 
    • Khmer Spirit: Arts & Culture of Cambodia 



    • Have students look at the Global Refugee Mural ( and take some time to answer these questions. Teachers can assign select questions to students, or have them consider all questions below.
      • (You can replace this photo with a local mural in your community to better connect with your students if you have time. The Google Street Art Gallery has many images you could use
      • Who is in the mural?
      • What are the people doing?
      • What objects are in the mural?
      • What seems familiar to you?
      • What seems unusual?
      • What questions do you have about the mural?
      • What brings these three scenes together thematically?
      • How do you think the artist feels about the people he painted?
      • What words could you use to describe the tone of the art and the people pictured?
    • Have a class discussion regarding the questions above and solicit student responses. 
    • After hearing from multiple students, the teacher can share the story behind this mural with the class: The mural tells the story of three refugees who live in Maryland. The artist created the mural after interviewing the refugees. One section tells the story of a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and another section highlights a refugee who escaped religious persecution in Myanmar. The third section highlights a woman whose brother was murdered and she escaped to the U.S.


    Teacher modeling with the first source

    • Teachers will show the following video interview of mural artist Sayon Syprosoeuth and watch it as a class
    • The teacher will lead a class discussion to answer the following guided notes questions: 
      • What is the background of artist Sayon Syprasoeuth?
      • Why is art important to this artist?
      • What is Cambodia Town?
      • What is the Cambodia Town Mural Project?
      • What steps did Sayon Sypraseuth take to design the mural?  List at least three things he did.
      • What is the message behind the mural?
      • How does the mural not only represent the community, but also require the cooperation and collaboration of a community and its members?
      • How was the mural created?


    Shared Learning 

    • Have students pair up with one other student to analyze the next two sources: 
    • Advise students that they will be responsible for their assigned source. As they read, they should continue to add to the guided notes questions. 
    • Once students are done reviewing their source and answering questions, they will share with their partner their learnings. 
    • Have a class discussion about the two resources and general findings.


    Cultural Production

    • Group classroom art creation: When the students have all finished the guided notes questions, give them each a few blank pieces of paper and explain the assessment for this lesson. Alternatively, students can describe an art piece that they would like to create.
    • Task: Assign students into groups of four. Each student will create a colored drawing or painting that is 8.5’x11’ in size. Their artwork must highlight one aspect of Cambodian American culture. Their artwork must also connect with the artwork of other members of their group so when they put their four pieces together it works as one larger piece of art. To accomplish this, have students:
      • Brainstorm and list some aspects of Cambodian American culture on one of the sheets of paper. Students can use these resources if they need some help getting started.
      • Have each student in the group select at least one aspect of Cambodian American culture they will represent in their artwork. This could include traditions, beliefs, art, architecture, food, clothing, religion, and language.
      • The group should discuss how their individual art pieces could connect to each other's artwork to create a unified piece.
      • Each group member will draw a rough sketch and ask for feedback from their group.
        • Students can use these three prompts to offer each other feedback
          • “I liked…”
          • “I didn’t understand…”
          • “New ideas to consider…”
      • Students should complete their individual artwork by adding color and details. 
        • Optionally, this can be done digitally. 
      • Combine the group artwork and display it in the room for a class gallery walk. To complete the gallery walk, groups will rotate looking at other group’s artwork and leaving a comment on a post-it note about something they liked in the artwork.


    Reflection and Closing 

    • Groups will construct a paragraph explaining the connections to Cambodian American culture in their collaborative art piece. This will work best if the students create this on a google document so that they can link it to a QR code. They will generate a QR code that links to their document and place the QR code next to their artwork so other viewers can learn from their artwork.

    Students will create collaborative murals showing their understanding of Cambodian culture.

    Engagement: Consider the following method to support with lesson engagement:

    • Variation in the presence of background noise or visual stimulation, noise buffers, number of features or items presented at a time
    • Display the goal in multiple ways 


    Representation: Consider the following method to support with multiple means of representation:

    • Embed visual, non-linguistic supports for vocabulary clarification (pictures, videos, etc) 
    • Chunk information into smaller elements


    Action and Expression: Consider the following method to support in presenting their learning in multiple ways:

    • Embed prompts to show and explain your work (e.g., portfolio review, art critiques)


    For additional ideas to support your students, check out the UDL Guidelines at CAST (2018)

    Emerging: Consider the following method to support with emerging students:

    • Speaking: Provide sentence frames for pair interactions
      • In response to a prompt, the teacher offers a sentence frame orally and/or in writing to support expression of student thinking. Frames are adjusted based upon specific grammatical structure, key vocabulary, content learning, and language proficiency level descriptors, etc. Frames are a temporary scaffold that require modification.


    Expanding: Consider the following method to support with expanding students:

    • Speaking: Scaffold oral reports with note cards and provide time for prior practice


    Bridging: Consider the following method to support with bridging students:

    • Speaking: Include oral presentations in the content classroom


    For additional guidance around scaffolding for multilingual learners, please consult the following resources:

    1. Students can create a class mural project about their own community using the steps shared by artist Sayon Syprosoeuth or through the steps in this resource: 
    2. Students can analyze other murals in Cambodia Town. This resource has images of additional murals:

    ABC10. 2022, May 19. “It’s up to my generation” | Preserving Stockton’s Cambodian American culture and traditions. 2 of 2 [Video]. YouTube.

    Allen, D. 2022, May 29. Cambodia Town Mural Project. ArcGIS StoryMaps.

    American Initiative. 2022. Asian American Studies K-12 Framework 

    Arts Council for Long Beach. (n.d.). Cambodia Town Mural Project | Arts Council for Long Beach.

    Barnes, E. (n.d.). 05.GlobalRefugeeMural.SSMD.8June2020. Flickr.

    Britt, K. 2020b, May 11. English Learner Toolkit of Strategies. California County Superintendents.

    California Department of Education. 2022. Ethnic studies model curriculum 

    California Department of Education & English Learner Support Division. 2012. California English Language Development standards (Electronic Edition) kindergarten through grade 12 (F. Ong & J. McLean, Eds.). California Department of Education.

    California Educators Together. (n.d.). ELA / ELD framework.

    CAST. 2018 The UDL guidelines. 

    The Cambodian-American Heritage, Inc. (n.d.).

    Global Refugee Mural | Downtown Silver Spring. (n.d.).

    Laguerder, F. 2023, November 3. Cambodia Town Mural Project in Long Beach 2017 [Video]. Vimeo.

    San Diego County Office of Education. (n.d.). Providing appropriate scaffolding

    Sar, A. 2016, December 8. Khmer Spirit: Arts & Culture of Cambodia — National Cambodian Heritage Museum and Killing Fields Memorial. National Cambodian Heritage Museum and Killing Fields Memorial.

    Street Art - Google Arts & Culture. (n.d.). Google Arts & Culture.

    Tulare County Office of Education. (n.d.). Strategies for ELD. 

    Supplementary Resources

    Christenson, M. 2023, March 27. 12 Key steps to leading Amazing Mural Projects. The Art of Education University.

    Model Curriculum

