Vietnamese and the Nail Industry
HSS 11.8, HSS 11.11, RI.11-12.7, W.11-12.8Students will identify key factors that fostered Vietnamese refugees’ participation in the nail industry by analyzing segments of media clips and creating a zine.
Students will identify key factors that fostered Vietnamese refugees’ participation in the nail industry by analyzing segments of media clips and creating a zine.
Students will be able to describe how immigration law and immigration terminology has impacted the Vietnamese refugee community by creating a reflection.
Students will compare and contrast the identities of Vietnamese women from the past to present by analyzing sources and creating visual representations. In doing so, they will find how some gender roles have evolved, while other factors have remained consistent.
Students will be able to identify and describe post-war communist policies regarding re-education, its connection to why Vietnamese refugees fled Vietnam, and explain how these policies affect the personal experiences of Vietnamese Americans by interacting with sources and creating a slide presentation.
Students will be able to identify difficulties and obstacles faced by refugees at the refugee camps by analyzing sources and creating a medium of choice.
Students will summarize the cause and effects of Vietnamese refugee migration on both the Vietnamese and local US communities at Camp Pendleton by analyzing primary sources and completing a Visual Primary Source Analysis Tool.
Students will be able to make inferences about the daily life of Vietnamese War refugees in various camps (including Camp Pendleton, Hong Kong, and Fort Chaffee) by observing photos and producing a medium of choice.