Vietnamese Refugee Stories and Music: Mini-Project

Author: Tori Phù
Grades: 9-12
Suggested Amount of Time: Month long project (This project can last for at least one lesson, once a week, as a summative assessment about the refugee experience and departures).
Area of Study: Vietnamese Resettlement and Community Building
Compelling Question
What is Vietnamese America?
Lesson Questions
- How is the refugee experience expressed through popular culture and music in the Vietnamese American community?
- How is music an important means of expressing and coping with the trauma of war, separation, and exile?
- How do we understand the pain of separation and loss, as well as the resiliency of Vietnamese Americans who chose to flee their homeland?
Lesson Objective
Students will be able to analyze and interpret the historical and personal significance of the Vietnamese refugee experience by examining song lyrics and biographies of composers related to the refugee experience, as well as engaging in a several-week project that involves research, discussion, script-writing, video production, technology application, and a final presentation.
Lesson Background
After the Fall of Saigon, Vietnamese refugees, separated from their homeland and families, used music and poetry as a way to express their feelings of loss, separation, and pain. This use of music not only was a way of expression, but an attempt to preserve the refugee experience in the hearts of minds of the community as a way to connect Vietnamese refugees scattered around the world under a common identity as refugees. The style of the music in the refugee community inherited the nostalgia and sentimentalism from the Republic of Vietnam, featuring slow love songs and bolero-like music. As many Vietnamese before 1975 used sentimental and nostalgic tunes and lyrics to lament the fate of the country plagued by war and devastation, Vietnamese refugees after 1975 reinvented these melodies to describe the harrowing experience of fleeing homeland, reeducation camps, starvation, family separation, and hardship of resettling in a new and strange country.
This lesson fits best as a cumulative project after learning about the Vietnam War and the events that unfolded thereafter.
Image Citation: Việt, N. (2023, June 11). Trần Chí Phúc và ‘Nỗi Buồn Tháng Tư Bảy Lăm’ nhân Tháng Tư Đen. Nguoi Viet Online. https://www.nguoi-viet.com/little-saigon/nhac-si-tran-chi-phuc-sang-tac-noi-buon-thang/
Ethnic Studies Theme
This lesson connects to the ethnic studies theme of reclamation and joy from the Asian American Studies Curriculum Framework (Asian American Research Initiative, 2022). Students explore the ways that communities reclaim histories through art, cultural expression, and counternarratives. Students will be able to creatively recreate family stories and lived experiences through the analysis of songs and the composers behind the music.
For additional guidance around ethnic studies implementation, refer to the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (2021) https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/esmc.asp.
Historical Thinking Skills
This lesson will facilitate student proficiency in historical perspectives, one of Seixas’ historical thinking skills (Seixas & Morton, 2013). To demonstrate the use of evidence to write historical fiction that accurately conveys the beliefs, values, and motivations of historical actors. Students consider how the perspectives of historical actors are best understood by considering their historical context.
- Access to laptop device
- Movie editing software (iMovie, CapCut, Adobe, Canva, YouTube)
- Music Video Rubric
- Resources for Composers and Lyrics
- Link to handouts: https://ucdavis.box.com/s/32al46smta4rb29xarpqhc5qy2sv3lcu
- Warm-Up (five minutes)
- Ask students to think about their favorite song(s). What do they like about the song?
- Allow students to share with a peer, and have a whole class share out. Teachers can list out common themes on the board (i.e: the beat of a song, catchy lyrics, the instrumentals, etc.)
- Introduce the lesson questions and lesson objectives to students.
- It would be helpful for teachers to go over the lesson background and invite students to share prior knowledge that they have gathered from learning about the Vietnam War and Vietnamese refugee experiences.
- Multiple interactions with source: Composer 1: Anh Bằng (20–30 min)
- Teacher will model a song analysis of music from composer Anh Bằng.
- Song: Căn Gác Lưu Đày (Attic of Exile) found in page one of handout (https://app.box.com/file/1545536063227?s=32al46smta4rb29xarpqhc5qy2sv3lcu). Each student should have a copy of the lyrics (in Vietnamese or English).
- As a class, read the biography of the composer.
- First Interaction
- The teacher will play the music video to students. Teachers can use the video with or without subtitles.
- As students listen along, have them annotate for words or lines that stand out to them emotionally or visually. For example, teachers can model annotating the line, “my two shoulders sweating and shivering”. In an annotation note, teachers can jot down that this line gives off a sense of anxiety, nervousness, or stress. Teachers can also explain how the lyrics are helpful in visualizing the subject of the song.
- Allow students to share with a peer the lines that stood out to them.
- Teacher will model a song analysis of music from composer Anh Bằng.
- Second Interaction
- Remind students of these two lesson questions: How is the refugee experience expressed through popular culture and music in the Vietnamese American community? How is music an important means of expressing and coping with the trauma of war, separation, and exile?
- Have students annotate for lyrics that may directly address the questions.
- Students can also summarize stanzas in the margins that address the lesson questions.
- Have a whole class discussion about their annotations.
- Invite students to share new learning that they hadn’t considered when studying about the Vietnamese refugee experiences.
Part 1: Introduction of Project and Analysis of Refugee Songs
- Teachers will introduce the music video project: Create a music video expressing the emotions of Vietnamese refugees while showcasing some of the most prominent songs related to the refugee experience.
- The video should be between 3–6 minutes and encompass at least one song.
- The video should not just be a music video with lip-syncing, but should depict the story and life of the composer, or a real-life Vietnamese refugee during that time. See list of composers and song lyrics in handouts.
- The video should include the audio of their song overlayed in the video.
- This audio must have proper subtitles over the lyrics in the video (directions on how to overlay will be explained in another lesson).
- Option 1: The students can either lip-sync that section of the video with the audio, or have background images and acting that are in sync with the lyrics of the song.
- Option 2: Students could also edit the English lyrics of the song provided to make their own English version with the song in the music video.
- Videos should show creativity and an accurate depiction of the lyrics and the pain, longing, and/or separation expressed in the lyrics due to the refugee experience.
- The teacher will provide a list of 16 composers and their songs, all of which make up some of the most well-known songs about the refugee experience in the Vietnamese American community. Students are welcome to explore Vietnamese composers and songs that are not on the list; students should seek teacher approval for those not on the handouts.
- The teacher will have students get into groups (eight groups)
- Since there are 16 composers, the teacher will assign two composers/songs (some sections will have three songs) to each group. Or, teachers can have a first come, first serve sign up process.
- The list of all 16 composers/songs can be found in handouts.
- Each group will first briefly read the biographies of the two composers that they were assigned.
- After reading, the teacher will hand out a worksheet with a series of questions on how to prepare for the music video. The worksheet will include:
- Questions and wonderings about the lyrics.
- Context: Historical event or experience that the lyrics are depicting (with evidence from the lines to show it).
- Significance of the lyrics (theme of the song).
- Two-paragraph story that the group makes together based on the lyrics that students will base their script of their music video on.
- At the end, each group will turn in their worksheet, and the teacher will provide feedback on ideas for their script and what additional historical details, emotions, or themes they could add to better understand the song and make a more accurate video.
Part 2: Writing a Script
- Based on the feedback given by the teacher, students will write a script of their music video.
- The script should include actions, plot story, and scenes for each part of the audio of the lyrics.
- Outside of the audio (before and after the period the song is playing in the video), the script should also have some dialogue that gives proper setting and background of a Vietnamese refugee’s life to tell a unique story.
- Students have creative freedom to move away from the composer’s own life and use the lyrics to write a script to tell any refugee story that accurately portrays the emotions of the lyrics.
- Students can have one or several periods to work on their script to be turned into the teacher after one to two weeks.
Part 3: Making the Music Video
- Teachers will give time both inside and outside of class to record their music videos with multiple scenes. Alternatively, students can create a poem, book or album cover that includes the lyrics of their song.
- Optional: A number of technology literacy skills can be taught as well before music videos are edited:
- Teachers will teach students (or allow for student exploration) on how to use Youtube Downloader: https://ssyoutube.com/en777PJ/ in order to download the audio for the songs to be overlaid onto their music videos.
- Teacher will also teach students (or allow for student exploration) on how to download English subtitles from the Youtube video using Downsub: https://downsub.com/
- Teacher will teach students (or allow for student exploration) to shift the subtitles to the timestamp in their music video where the audio of the song starts using SubShifter: https://subshifter.bitsnbites.eu/
- Student options on software for video editing: iMovie, CapCut, Adobe, Canva, YouTube.
- See rubric below for music video criteria. Teachers are able to modify rubric to best fit student groups.
- Concept Development - Students have concept or performance style videos. Music video has plot flow and makes sense in relation to the time period.
- Audio - Audio has accurate levels, is clear, properly synced with performance, and free of distracting noises (hissing, buzzing, or other).
- Visual - Video is exposed properly and all required elements are visible in scenes.
- Final Product - Editing enhances and complements the music video. Two to three minutes in length. Music video is captivating and evokes true emotions that are relative to refugee experiences and historical time periods.
- Originality - Audience is engaged and the project shows complexity of thought. Theme of the song is prevalent and clear and reflects realistic themes of refugee experiences.
- Note: This editing and filming process should have several lessons in class so that the teacher can guide students using technological literacy regarding video editing, subtitle editing, and filming.
Part 4: Presenting the Music Video
- After two to three weeks of filming and editing, the groups will present their music videos in class.
- Options for music video sharing:
- Whole class presentation
- Gallery Walk of videos on classroom computer devices
- Upload links or videos onto sharing platform and open for comments (i.e: Padlet)
- After the showcase, have students reflect on the lesson question: How do we understand the pain of separation and loss, as well as the resiliency of Vietnamese Americans who chose to flee their homeland? This can be a written or oral response.
After several weeks of analyzing songs, writing script, filming, and editing their music video, students will present their music video expressing the emotions of Vietnamese refugees and showcasing some of the most prominent songs related to the refugee experience. Alternatively, students can create a poem, book or album cover that includes the lyrics of their song.
- Engagement: Consider the following method to support with lesson engagement:
- Create cooperative learning groups with clear goals, roles, and responsibilities
- Create school-wide programs of positive behavior support with differentiated objectives and supports
- Construct communities of learners engaged in common interests or activities
- Create expectations for group work (e.g., rubrics, norms, etc.)
- Representation: Consider the following method to support with multiple means of representation:
- Link key vocabulary words to definitions and pronunciations in both dominant and heritage languages
- Use cues and prompts to draw attention to critical features
- Action and Expression: Consider the following method to support in presenting their learning in multiple ways:
- Use social media and interactive web tools (e.g., discussion forums, chats, web design, annotation tools, storyboards, comic strips, animation presentations)
- Compose in multiple media such as text, speech, drawing, illustration, comics, storyboards, design, film, music, visual art, sculpture, or video
For additional ideas to support your students, check out the UDL Guidelines at CAST, 2018 http://udlguidelines.cast.org.
Multilingual Learner Supports
- Emerging: Consider the following method to support with emerging students:
- Writing: Require vocabulary notebooks with non-linguistic representations or L1 translations
- During integrated ELD, teachers may sometimes offer strategic primary language support for EL students who are newcomers or at the earliest level of Emerging proficiency.
- Writing: Require vocabulary notebooks with non-linguistic representations or L1 translations
- Expanding: Consider the following method to support with expanding students:
- Writing: Provide rubrics and exemplars to scaffold writing assignments
- Using mentor text - Text written by authors used to analyze craft, a particular writing style, word usage, structure, etc.
- Writing: Provide rubrics and exemplars to scaffold writing assignments
- Bridging: Consider the following method to support with bridging students:
- Writing: Hold frequent writing conferences with teacher and peers
- The teacher works collaboratively with students to scaffold writing before they write independently. The teacher uses students’ understanding of narrative stages, specific vocabulary, and grammatical structures while questioning for precision.
- Writing: Hold frequent writing conferences with teacher and peers
For additional guidance around scaffolding for multilingual learners, please consult the following resources:
- English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, https://ucdavis.box.com/s/ujkdc2xp1dqjzrlq55czph50c3sq1ngu
- Providing Appropriate Scaffolding, https://www.sdcoe.net/educators/multilingual-education-and-global-achievement/oracy-toolkit/providing-appropriate-scaffolding#scaffolding
- Strategies for ELD, https://ucdavis.box.com/s/dcp15ymah51uwizpmmt2vys5zr2r5reu
- ELA / ELD Framework, https://www.caeducatorstogether.org/resources/6537/ela-eld-framework
- California ELD Standards, https://ucdavis.box.com/s/vqn43cd632z22p8mfzn2h7pntc71kb02
- Poetry Slam - Students can create poems instead of whole song lyrics and perform them in a school wide or class wide poetry slam. Teachers can utilize their classroom space, theater or auditorium, multipurpose rooms to recreate a brave space for performances and spoken word poetry.
- Skits - Students can be encouraged to create a short skit that encapsulates some of the events, experiences, and emotions that Vietnamese refugees have. The skit can be performed live or recorded onto a video to show. Students should be reminded to be respectful in language, tone, and content.
Works Cited
American Initiative. 2022. Asian American Studies K-12 Framework. https://asianamericanresearchinitiative.org/asian-american-studies-curriculum-framework/
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